Filling in Missing Background Details - Photoshop

Filling in Missing Background Details

After straightening an image there might be some blank space on the canvas, like so:

Obviously we don't want that, so here is how to fill in that black space in the image without having to do much work!

Step One: Crop where you can

Using the crop tool, shorten the sides of the image wherever you feel you can, so that the canvas is no longer showing. If cropping would cut out important details, don't!

Step Two: Select Were to Fill

Select the area you need to fill with the lasso tool [or the selection tool of your preference].

Step Three: Content Aware Fill

Go to the Edit menu and choose the Fill Command

In the dialogue box that appears, make sure that the content aware feature is on, and the color adaptation box is checked [recommended]. Everything else should be set to default.

Now click OK!
