Photo Filters and Adjustments - Photoshop

Warming / Cooling images made quick using Photo Filters

Click o the black and white circle at the bottom of the layers panel and select Photo Filter.

By default Photo Filter wants to warm up images. But by changing the selected filter in the filter bar, we can change how the image looks; warmer [yellow-red hues] or cooler [blue-green hues] and everything in-between.

Making a custom filter

Click on the color box as depicted. This will bring up a Color Picker Dialogue Box where you can manage the HSB values of your image.

A tip here would be to set the brightness value [B] to 100%, and then make changes to the bus value [H].

A tip for changing the hue value: if it is higher than 180, subtract 180 from its current value.
If it is lower than 180, add 180 to its current value.

A tip for the saturation value: make sure it matches the value in your color panel, which is the slider bar S in the top right corner of the screen. 

When done with this, adjusting the density value to what you prefer is the next and final step.
