Just a quick update and things that will be posted

For the Technologies for graphics class, I have watched all the tutorials assigned.

Blog posts will be made on:

Selecting Hair - Photoshop

Global Refinement Settings and Edge Detection - Photoshop

Real World Scaling - Photoshop

Transforming and Warping Text - Photoshop

Creating Smart Objects and Nondestructive transformations - Photoshop

Auto Blending - Photoshop

Simple Liquefying Tips - Photoshop

Blend Modes - Photoshop

Correcting an Image Automatically - Photoshop

Perspective Warp - Photoshop

Auto-Correct Jpeg Images - Photoshop

Gradual and Radial Filter Tools - Photoshop

Quick Colorization - Photoshop

Smart Sharpen - Photoshop
