Zeno Clash - "Good Weird"

Zeno Clash is an interesting game, to put it gently. It has the feeling of a fever dream and is about as fun as one if you aren't comfortable with trippy artwork and strange character design.

But if you happen to be a person who can handle looking at creepy stuff, and can manage a complicated melee/weapon system, then this game is absolute treasure.

Boss Fights are a Fun Way to Test Your Skill

I am going to jump right to it and say that this boss fight has been one of my favorites ever since playing this game. Not only is it beautiful with the sunset and the giant camel-girrafes to look at, but it is a well designed and fun test of your marksmanship and your awareness.

Positioned high in the sky is a blind sniper named The Hunter who can hear when his rabbit paratroopers squeal as they approach you, and once he hears them he will detonate the powder keg tied to their backs with a well placed bullet. As you can imagine, being chased by rabbits with bombs on their backs while still yet more are parachuting in from above, all while trying to pop a bullet or two into the bad guy, can get a bit stressful. 
Luckily the game has trained you to remember that you can kick things, and if that doesn't work, a little reminder will pop up in case the player is forgetful. 
Now with the skill to shoot rabbits out of the sky, kick them over when they get too close, and run around like a maniac as they explode all around you, you can pump some led into The Hunter and defeat him. 

Not exactly the easiest fight to become good at, but I find that the design of it, it's aesthetics, and it's overall cathartic gameplay to make it a rewarding and fun boss fight above most others.

First Person Melee, Done Well, Is Hella' Intense

As I mentioned before the melee system is a bit complex. From a first person perspective you can: block, dodge, light attack, light attack combo, strong attack, super strong attack, kick, wield melee and fire-arm weapons, throw things, toss grenades, and of course run around like an idiot. Not to mention that when an enemy's health is low you can grab their heads and kiss their faces with your knee, or just uppercut them into oblivion.

So once you feel confident enough with these abilities, you have them all at your disposal throughout the entirety of each and every fight. It is up to you to choose your own playstyle, and to find your own strengths. 
The allowance of unique playstyle within this certain type of gameplay makes fights tense, or even nerve racking, because you will be thinking on your toes and trying to find victory while also being forced to stretch your comfort zone. Somehow this game manages to always place the victory line just beyond your comfort zone, and I think that is something weird, but good. Good weird.
