Setting Up Reference Images in 3ds Max - 3D Modeling

Setting Up Reference Images

1.) Create a square plane

2.) Open Material Editor in the top menu bar

3.) Drag in a standard material onto the work space

4.) double-click Diffuse Color

5.) Select an image

6.) Double-Click on the material, and set its Self-Illumination to 100

7.) Create as many as you need to cover the front, sides, and back of your desired object. Repeat using step 3-5 until you have three materials.

8.) Toggle on Angle-Snap, and select the Rotation tool.

9.) Rotate your object by click-dragging and holding shift.

10.) Assign your materials to your new planes, front, back, side, etc. by going into the material editor

11.) Move your planes into position using the move tool

12.) Select all of your objects

13.) Right Click > Object Properties

14.) Toggle ON: Backface Cull, Freeze. Toggle OFF: Show Frozen in Grey

15.) F3 will show images in the frontview in case you switch viewports and the objects are 'invisible'
