Brawlhalla - Revival of Competitive Punching

Brawlhalla has what most games nowadays don't; their entire game's content in the title.
You will brawl, and you will halla, by which I mean scream in a frenzied rage. 

Needless to say punches will be thrown just as often as controllers, because item drops are not a priority anymore and the majority of your kills will be based on whether or not you are better than your opponent. 

"Better than your opponent?" you say, wiping the dust off of your Street Fighter II arcade cabinet, tearfully remembering those glorious few years when casual players didn't muck up a perfectly respectful competitive gaming niche by demanding ridiculous, over-the-top graphics, combo moves, and the all-hated unbalanced items.

That's right you coffee-chugging, button-mashing, frame-counting maniac, this is a game that allows you to take the fight down to a fair, balanced level that equates success with player skill. And to show you exactly what I mean, here is a video of a casual player [me] getting chewed up in an online match.

But Brawlhalla doesn't make losing unfun, in fact, so long as you don't totally suck you can pull off some interesting moves and combos. Its a type of game that rewards that split-second, impulsive uppercut from a complete noob with a triple kill and a congratulatory cheer.

So I would recommend this game for anyone with an internet connection and a few friends to compete against, and maybe call them a dick when they throw a particularly well-timed bomb.
