A Dirty Little Robot, Part 1 - Substance Painter

Time To Paint A Robot!

Here come's that intro to SP. First we gotta make some maps so that the highpoly details are baked onto the lowpoly mesh.

Do that by clicking 'Bake Mesh Maps' and in the menu designate the resolution, types of maps, and most importantly the highpoly mesh you wish to bake onto the lowpoly one.

BUT that isn't the best way to do it, sooo...
Make sure ALL your objects in your Maya/Blender/3DSMax scene are named appropriately. I.E. each has their own name and are sufficed with _low and _high, like this example: rightLeg_low

Go back to that baking menu and up the resolution, double it, even. Then scroll down and change the 'Match' setting to 'By Mesh Name' so that each named part of the lowpoly and highpoly mesh get baked together. Also, up the Anti-Aliasing to a good 4x4 for cleaner results.

Alt + Shift + Click in your viewport snap the objects in your viewport to a position in the nearest 90 degree angle.
F snaps the object into frame equivalent to the size of your viewport window.
C cycles through the 'Single Channels' in your viewport. Them being:

  • Base Color
  • Height
  • Roughness
  • Metallic
  • Normal
  • Normal + Height + Mesh
 cycles through the 'Mesh Maps' in your viewport. Them being:
  • Normal
  • World Space Normal
  • ID
  • Ambient Occlusion
  • Curvature
  • Position
  • Thickness
M will reset to the default 'Material View' in your viewport.
