A Very Nice Set of Messy Bricks, Part 4 - Substance Designer

Behold, Organization!
...and then we're gonna export this thing

Tips: To delete all un-linked nodes - 
Click the 'Wrench' icon in the top bar and select 'clean'.

You can double-click in empty space, and mess with the 'Random Seed' slider to get randomized versions of your texture. You can also do them on individual nodes for customization of what is randomized.

You can parameterize [read: Expose] your Substances, allowing randomization and almost every other aspect of a substance. To do this, double click a node, in the right-hand panel find the parameter which you want to expose, and then click the Sign-Wave Graph Icon and choose Expose.
To Export This Thing
Right click the origin item in the top left panel, and choose 'Publish', Tuh-duhhhh!
