Making Some Substances, Part 2 [Rusted Metal --> With Updates] - Substance Designer

Making Some Substances: Rusted Metal Plating

The goal here is to reproduce this image as a paintable texture.

This is going to need layers!


This one was tricky! - and didn't come out quite right...I will update this post later when the material is perfect. For now, look at these screens :P

The main issues was:
Getting the'layer' look I wanted; metal  on the very bottom, then rust, then paint, then the oval nodes poking out through it all.

For now, the paint and rust are co-mingling, and the nodes are covered in yellow paint instead of being mostly clean.


The yellow paint is still being stubborn, but I managed to pop the nodes through the rust with some blend nodes in the color mapping area of the tree.

Here is a snapshot of the new node tree, and the substance:
