Street of Crocodiles - Quay Brothers: 1986

Street of Crocodiles

By the Quay Brothers 

Warning! This film is not for anyone looking to have a good time.

Summary: A guy makes a puppet come to life, and then it acts all depressed in a very creepy, unnatural environment, to horribly unsettling music that never stops.

Opinion: I hate this. There is no redeeming qualities. No moment of enjoyment, no matter how minute. I watched the entire thing out of spite to the universe, refusing to accept that artwork so void of positivity could exist. 
The props are dark, the lighting is dark, the music is dark, the overall feeling of this footage is oppressive, and its feeling is lasting. Although it might seem so, this wasn't created to test the emotional limits of an audience, it can't be - it's an abortion of creativity. It is too revolting to make its own point, and too abstract a message shown in too abstract a means to make a single watch (very sarcastic quotes) 'worthwhile'. 
In short - you must watch this horrible gauntlet of a film multiple times in order to recover from the shock, the confusion, and the disgust enough to see that it is trying to make a baby's-first-bible-class metaphor on the relationship between God, humans and their desires.
